A Lullaby In The Dark A Southern Crime Thriller Ten years ago, a child serial killer—dubbed the Lullaby Man—confessed to abducting and murdering four young girls. Now in a maximum-security psychiatric hospital in East Tennessee, he’s visited regularly by Kate Covington, the detective who put him there, who won’t close the investigation until the remains of the first victim are found. Then a little girl goes missing while hiking in the woods with her dad, and Kate is called in to help. The evidence is chillingly familiar—the same photo of the girl’s tear-stained face, a letter with the same message, a smiley face, an old doll. Did they lock up the wrong guy? Is it a copycat crime? Or is something more sinister at play? Each turn of the investigation brings more questions than answers, and Kate and her team have limited time to figure out who kidnapped the girl. Is the real Lullaby Man about to claim his next victim? Review: A great story of the trial of human nature. Fi...
Previously Emma and Kelsey Talk about Books <3 Embracing the reading world by devouring different genres, reviewing, and beta reading! If you need recommendations, look no further! I hope you find books that will stay with you forever! <3